Hi-FLEXi S+Series High Ambient

  • 8HP – 112HP
  • Hi-FLEXi S+ Series High Ambient is specially designed for high ambient regions.


New High-efficiency Scrol Compressor

The large-capacity high-pressure chamber sorol compressor is feotured wth an irtornal ol separation mecha- rism.Thvough the intermal of seporator and the intemal of retum pipe design,most of the kricating of can be kept in the compressor,and only a smal amount of ol iss brought out of the compressor,eflectively prevent the loss of capacty cauted by excess retmigerant of in the retrigeration cyde. Also with the ant-compression techrolbgy,too high pressure can be avoided,reduong power consumption.So that the system can wokin stablo and efficiont state.

Patented 360″ Fitted Refrigerant Cooling Technology

To maintain the lifespan of the delicate electronics, Hi-FLEXi S+ Series High Ambient uses refrigerant cooling tochnology to effectively cool the whhole electronic box. As such, It will overcome poor heat dissipation and high ambient temperature issues to maintain efficient operation even at harsh environment. The refrigerant cooling unit adds the temperature sensor, which will be more precise to control the refrigerant cooling tomperature and enhance the whole system relabilty.

Hi-FLEXi S+ Series High Ambient can run from -5℃ to 55℃ for cooling, which perfectly meets the customers’ needs in different environments.

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