
  • Remote control available
  • Multilevel user management
  • AC control (on-off, mode, temp, air flow)
  • AC locked control (running forbidden control)
  • the max. and min. temp and cooling/heating locked)
  • Running according to timer
  • Malfunction history check
  • Running record display
  • Data synchronize
  • Supporting for external I/O
  • 2D navigation
  • Electricity consumption allocation
  • Multiple languages available
  • Standard with Modbus RTU port

Humanized interaction interface and comfortable user experience.

The electricity consumption allocation makes it easy for users to allocate total electricity consumption among building occupants. Both segmented tariff and single tariff are available.

Thanks to the 2D navigation, users can import floor plans and place indoor units in the corresponding rooms, creating a tailored system schematic. Thus all the indoor units can be monitored and controlled intuitively.

Support operation history data record like the below picture. Also the operation data can be exported to excel format, convenient for customers to read.


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